I LOVE MY FRIENDS cute cat video
9vjj jvj iivjccThis is the Xtreme Layout - it's XTREME!!!! It's the late 00s and things are epic awesomesauce and totally random. The key ingredient here is, of course, gradients and rounded corners.
This is bolded. This is italicized. This is underlined. This is a link.
This layout is responsive and mobile-friendly, although it works best on computers.
The top navigation bar can fit a few more navigation links if you need more!
The marquee is a classic HTML marquee, which is going out of style and could be rendered nonfunctional by modern web browsers.
There's some javascript used in the various doodads in the sidebars, but none for the layout itself.
KP Radio and Navlink Ads are both DIY web projects inserted via iframe!
A cool green box for putting stuff in.